The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission allocates producer check-off to research and development for flax. The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission works with the Flax Council of Canada and Manitoba Crop Alliance to coordinate and fund research and development for the benefit of flax growers.
The current priorities for research include: agronomy, variety development and pathology, seed and oil value-added processing, human health, and flax for livestock and pet diets.
The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission works closely with the Saskatchewan Agriculture – Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) to review flax related research proposals submitted to ADF. In addition to the Flax Council of Canada and Manitoba Crop Alliance the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission works with other producer organizations including the Western Grains Research Foundation and SaskCanola, Sask Pulse Growers and others to coordinate research to best use the flax check-off funds.
For areas of research and development that may not be captured by the ADF program the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission will invite research proposals for specific priorities.
The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission policy for administration overhead is a maximum allowable rate of 15% on direct research costs.
FLAX STRAW RESEARCH – Call for Proposals
- Straw management is a research priority for the Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission (SaskFlax). Management of flax straw in the field at harvest time and into the following spring remains an agronomic management problem for many producers. SaskFlax would like to determine how flax straw could be left on the field after harvest, without the need to burn or remove the straw, so the straw is not a concern for seeding the next crop the following spring.
- SaskFlax is requesting research proposals that would assist flax growers in managing flax straw. There is not a set type of research solution being requested. The solutions may include breeding new flax varieties to agronomic practices. Proposals may range from proof-of-concept to multi-year. The proposals do not have a set budget limit or timeline.
- Proposals looking into the uses of flax straw are not being requested or considered.
- This call for proposals will remain open for an extended time.
For more information contact Kade at (306) 975-6621 or email